Sonada, 26 August: Salesian College Sonada hosted a three day Service Learning Workshop for the brothers starting on the 24th of August 2024. The workshop was led by Dr. Anita Christine Tiphagne from United Board, an organization that assists Christian higher education in South Asia.
Dr. Anita, a consultant and Assistant Director of the United Board was welcomed by Fr. Johny Nedungatt, the Rector of Salesian College Sonada with the traditional khada. Fr. Tomy Augustine, the Rector of Salesian College Siliguri, who facilitated Dr. Anita’s workshop was also present.
Service learning is a teaching and learning approach that integrates academic learning with community service. As Dr. Anita began her presentation she was briefed on the Youth centre activities of the brothers which helped her to train the brothers to re-approach these same activities from the perspective of service learning.
Dr. Anita’s presentation emphasized the integration of academic learning with community service. Service learning begins with the students going to the community, listening to their needs, problems, possibilities, and linking their situation in some way to their class room learning. Based on what they discover as important needs of the community they plan out a project, taking a cue from their academic learning. This plan is to be implemented in the community.
After the theoretical presentation Dr. Anita assisted the brothers to work out a plan for each youth center which would be tested out in the field on the following day. Armed with the new plan the brothers organized the next day’s Youth Centre activities.
On the third day of the workshop the brothers presented in groups their experience of the new approach to their Youth Centre Activities through short skits. The workshop helped them to move out of their set pattern of organizing Sunday activities.
As the workshop came to a closure Dr. Anita challenged the brothers inviting them to join the faculty of the college to initiate service learning by placing before their batchmates their experience in the Youth Centres.
Bro. Sachin Xavier Ekka, a fourth-year brother, speaking on behalf of the brothers expressed their gratitude, and said “Had I attended this workshop earlier, I would have made a significantly greater impact in both my youth center and classroom.”
The workshop proved to be a significant and enriching experience, fostering a deeper connection between academic learning and community service, and enhancing the brothers’ approach to their respective youth centers.
Cl. Clement Soren SDB